Life Update: Doing Youtube, Taking Vitamins Plus Supplements That Will Help You Lose Weight
- October 21, 2020
- by
- Shai Habon
It has been a while and finally, I can say that I AM SOOO FREAKIN’ BACK. It has been a pretty full season for me and juggling all the work-from-home tasks while trying to be a sane human being in this time of pandemic is really a huge challenge *I bet everyone can relate* 🙂
Life update — I just started out Youtube and while I still cringe every time I watch myself on the screen, I have to admit that I am quite enjoying the process of creating videos, filming my awkward intros (lol) and conceptualizing content ideas. I also have found ways to monetize my videos and run ads on my videos! Thanks to this very insightful article about Youtube ads.
Honestly, I’m still struggling with branding because at this point, I’m very much confused if I wanna do fitness, beauty, fashion or maybe some random funny videos just like the other Youtubers, what do you think?
Flexing some of my recent videos here in case you’re keen to check!
Anyway, I’m putting up this blog as an intro to my new video. It’s all about supplements! In this video, I listed some of the supplements that I take to help me boost my immune system, do more workouts, get better sleep and many more. All these supplements are from my online purchases and they’re available almost everywhere!
At the end of the video, I also showed supplements that will help you tone up and flush out some body fats. Multihyphenates and fellow raketeras, you need to watch this!
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